Bleacher Report wins Hashtag Sports Award for best app!
Congratulations to our client Bleacher Report for winning the 2022 Hashtag Sports Award for best app and mobile experience:
Bleacher Report wins Webby for best sports app again!
Congratulations to our client Bleacher Report for winning the 2019 Webby Award for best sports app and mobile site!
Mend makes Apple’s Best of 2018
Congratulations to our client Mend for being selected by Apple as one of the best apps of 2018!
Bleacher Report wins Webby for best sports app
Congratulations to our client Bleacher Report for winning the 2018 Webby Award for best sports app and mobile site!
Mend featured in the app store
Congratulations to our client Mend for being featured as Apple’s app of the day!
New “When In Use” Location Tracking in iOS 8
If your app tracks the user’s location, you may notice when you run it in iOS8, the location tracking alert asks for permission to “access your location even when you are not using the app“. If your app only accesses the user’s location when the app is running, you can present a less scary message […]
Not Cuckoo for CocoaPods
The projects we work on generally have have dependencies on one or more (often several) open source projects, including our own libraries. We’ve always managed those dependencies using git submodules. As submodules have some quirks, a few projects have cropped up trying to make dependency management easier. The one that’s gained the most traction is […]
Frame geometry macros to improve your UIKit code
I find myself doing more and more dynamic UI layout in iOS apps these days. When elements of a UI need to resize to fit their contents, or move to accommodate other elements, the layout code can get complex and verbose. We’ve developed a set of Objective-C UIKit macros that help make this code more […]

Objective-C Singleton Pattern Updated For Testability
At Two Bit Labs we do a fair amount of unit testing. In places where we use singletons we use a variation on the the Objective-C dispatch_once pattern of thread safe singleton creation. This variation supports resetting the singleton or replacing it with a mock object. That way in our unit tests we can do […]