Slim down your iOS app by excluding files from production builds
If you use additional files or libraries during development like HockeyKit or TestFlight you’ll want to exclude those in your production app store builds. Likewise, if you have an iPad and iPhone app that share the same Xcode project but are published under separate app IDs, this technique is handy for excluding iPad assets from […]
UIAlertView-Blocks: block based UIAlertView and UIActionSheet
UIAlertView-Blocks: a block based approach to UIAlertView and UIActionSheet
Empty or incorrect URL with webViewDidStartLoad
If you’re using a UIWebView in your iPhone or iPad app and you want to execute some code when a page starts loading you’ll likely turn to the webViewDidStartLoad: method in UIWebViewDelegate. However, you may have surprisingly unpredictable results. For example, the following code won’t work as expected: – (void)webViewDidStartLoad:(UIWebView *)webView { if […]
Adding Unit Tests to an existing iOS project with Xcode 4
When you build a new iPhone or iPad app from scratch, you can generate a new project with tests using Xcode’s project templates, and the test dependency is set up correctly. However, if you add a unit test target to an existing iOS project, there are some manual steps required to set up the target […]
MBProgressHUD: an iOS activity indicator that rocks
MBProgressHUD: an enhanced iOS activity indicator that rocks
Speedlimit: simulate Edge and 3G speeds for mobile development
Speedlimit: simulate Edge and 3G speeds for mobile development
Printable templates for paper and pencil mobile wireframing
Printable templates for paper and pencil mobile wireframing
iKu 1.2: see who’s following you
I’m happy to announce that iKu 1.2 was released to the app store today. This update includes some performance enhancements and improvements to the experience of following other authors. The two most frequent questions we get from iKu authors are “How do I stop following someone” and “How can I see who’s following me”. Before […]